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TMG Dronity



  • Patented method for crops damage evaluation for 1 € / hectar 
  • Precise calculation of damage area according to the plant lodging degree
  • For various classification of lodging crops
  • Precise monitoring of insurance event in agro sector
  • Detection of crop damage due to weather conditions such as wind, rain, hail or storm
  • Accurate documentationf of crop damage for the insurance company, agro experts, farmers
  • No need for the physical presence of an insurance company representative at a damaged field
  • Accurate monitoring = fair indemnification
  • If necessary and your interest, detailed aerial capturing of damaged crops and data processing with authorized assessment

In case of your interest, please contact us by email:

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Do you need:

  • the immediate recognize the health status of crops (vines, corn, sunflower, rapeseed, wheat, etc.)
  • to measure of damaged area
  • to detect of water stress on plants
  • to detect of chlorophyll and active biomass content
  • to detect of nitrates
  • to optimize of irrigation and fertilisation ?

We offer you a solution through an international analytical and interpretation tool AGRO Inspector, which is already used by hundreds of farmers, drone users and satellite images owners, worldwide.

In case of your interest, please contact us by email: or visit our specialized agro web site

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Recommendations for vintners from aerial photos

  • Identification of the pests on leaf and fruit of the vine
  • Quantification of the damaged area of the vineyard due to weather and pests
  • Monitoring of temporal changes in the development of the vineyard
  • Immediate identification of the impact of spraying on the vines
  • Information about establishing a vineyard: height differences of terrain, the terrain cuts and slope
  • Detecting surface runoff of precipitation on the territory of the vineyard
  • Determining chlorophyll and nitrogen content in the vine
  • Monitoring the content of active biomass in the vine

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We lift for 125 kg, parachute like a rescue
Developers of TMGdronity division, the company TENDER MEDIA GROUP, s.r.o., constructed a new type of drone.
Fast access to aerial data via mobile and PC applications
You can review and analyze the processed aerial images from mobile apps for Android
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